Type of Speech Therapy in Singapore

With a population of around 5.7 million, Singapore is a land of multiple languages and cultures, where effective communication is paramount in daily life. 

However, effective communication is not universal, and that’s where speech therapy centres in Singapore play their role. They offer comprehensive services to provide an enriched quality of life for all. Let us look closer at their vital role in Singapore’s dynamic environment. 

Adult Speech Therapy 

Speech therapy is a lifelong journey. In Singapore, the prevalence of stroke conditions and neurodegenerative disorders led to a surge in the demand for adult speech and language therapy. 

Ministry of Health’s statistics show that individuals 65 and above will account for more than 900,000 by 2030. These statistics emphasize the growing requirement for speech therapy services. 

Individualized treatment plans by speech therapists enable adults to regain their confidence and capacity to effectively communicate. They offer accent modification services, allowing individuals to enhance their communication skills.

Early Intervention 

Due to its diversity in Singapore, speech and language disorders affect a significant portion of the entire population. As per the Ministry of Education, approximately 10% of elementary school children require language and speech support.

Early intervention centres in Singapore providing speech therapy offer customized therapy sessions, primarily play-based activities. Speech therapy sessions help the children to overcome any language delays. 

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)

AAC services are provided by speech therapists in Singapore. They are tailored as per the needs of each individual client, involving the usage of various communication devices, symbols, or sign languages. It ensures that everyone can actively and fully participate in Singaporean society in all fields of work.

Expression Empowerment 

Stuttering is a prevalent fluency disorder affecting approximately 1% of the world’s population, estimated at around 57,000 individuals in Singapore. Fluency and voice disorders profoundly impact one’s daily ability to convey messages and communicate. 

Speech Therapy centres in Singapore employ evidence-based techniques to correct and treat fluency disorders for improved speech fluency confidence. It helps individuals who are having troubles like hoarseness or vocal cord nodules. 

Feeding and Swallowing Therapy

According to the Singapore Dysphagia Society, approximately 30% of the elderly population in Singapore grapples with dysphagia, a condition that makes swallowing difficult. Feeding and swallowing difficulties transcend beyond age boundaries. Feeding challenges in children can be equally distressing and difficult. 

Singaporean speech therapists provide specialized techniques to address such challenges. Comprehensive feeding and swallowing therapy encompasses exercises, diet modifications and nutritional balance. Paediatric therapists strongly collaborate with parents to ensure excellent support is provided at home. 

Early intervention centres in Singapore are dedicated to enhancing the quality of life. Speech therapists’ commitment in Singapore ensures that people of all age groups and backgrounds can effectively communicate and thrive in their professional and personal lives. These centres provide a broad spectrum of services that cater to the population’s distinctive communication needs.